IT 465 Blogfolio

Concept Mapping

Posted on: June 21, 2011

Concept Mapping was an experience. At first, I was super excited to be working with the program. However, like anything else, the new wore off and the frustration set in. I am not the best with technology, which is proven by the fact that I am STILL struggling with this blog roll stuff (although I was given step by step instructions). Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. I began by doing everything in the diagram view. Then I discovered the outline view. I fiddled with it, only to find that I had completely ruined hours of work that I had put into the diagram. Then, I started over. Then I discovered even more options with the pictures. So, I put in all of the pictures I could find that seemed to relate. Then, of coarse it was over crowded. I loved them all. Each and every picture had a special place in my heart. It was like sending my own children into an endless oblivion. I hated to delete them, but it had to be done. After hours of torture and decision making, I had a completed a simple looking concept map. It looked as though it was completed in half an hour. However, it was not. I meticulously designed it. However, it is what it is. So,VIOLA!  CONCEPT MAPPING:

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