IT 465 Blogfolio

Step aside Spieldburg, Brittany’s Makin Movies Now!

Posted on: June 29, 2011

This week, we had to make a movie. At first I was excited, but like with all assignments the excitement wore off when I was actually completing the assignment. Issue One: I know little about converting, changing, resizing, uploading, etc. So I merely completed the project and prayed it was in the correct size, style, format, etc. The tutorials would be much more helpful if I knew the lingo. I somehow get lost in the instructions, and wind up frustrated. Issue Two: What story do I tell? What story would people want to hear? I ended up using an essay I had written for my Comp One class because it had gotten such good responses at the time. Issue Three: I hate the way that I sound. Not so much sweet southern bell, and much more ignorant hillbilly. Has anyone else ever noticed that recordings make it sound so much worse? So I spent three days getting the narration just right! Issue Four: How the heck do I include music? I could not figure it out. So, I simply played some music in the background as i narrated my movie for the millionth time. Issue One Million and Five: You would think that finding family pictures at Christmas would be a breeze. However, all I could find were pictures of my family members’ hands as they covered their faces. So, I had to settle for finding pictures on the internet.

However, I was quite pleased with my end results. Even if my narration makes my story sound less like Christmas with Scarlett O’ Hara and more like Christmas with Larry the Cable Guy.

Link to my project:

1 Response to "Step aside Spieldburg, Brittany’s Makin Movies Now!"

I love your title of this post Brittany! Great post and great video! 🙂

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