IT 465 Blogfolio

My Web Tools

Posted on: July 31, 2011

I found this assignment entertaining and relevant. It was fun creating the quizzes and exploring future resources. I found that there are many options and resources available for future teacchers. I also enjoyed creating the rubric. I had to create many rubrics last semester. If only I had know that these websites were out there to aid in creating those frustrating tools. I could have saved hours of blood, sweat, and tears.. “Wondering what goes where, how many blanks, is all of this even?” The bookmark part of the assignment threw me for a loop. I am still not quite sure that I did that correctly. I have never had to create a bookmark before. However, I can see how they would be helpful to a teacher. IT would be a small reminder of which websites contained which resources. I hope to find time to further explore the Trackstar page so that maybe I can understand it better.

Brittany Gardner_Rubric

Brittany Gardner_ Quiz Key

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