IT 465 Blogfolio

Reflecting Time, & It’s Lookin Good!

Posted on: July 31, 2011

At first, I believed this class would be another technology class that taught me skills such as typing, creating an email, creating a powerpoint, creating a word document, and all of those other things that I have been doing since I was twelve. However, this class went much further than the basics of technology. This class introduced me to resources that I have as a teacher that I had no clue were out there. It also taught me how to actually apply those resources to creating effective lessons for my classroom.

I learned something from each activity, and there was some quality that I enjoyed about each of them. Some allowed me to be creative and expressive. Others I simply felt as if i muddled through them. I feel that I learned the most from the Assistive Technology assignment. It allowed me to put together what I had learned in this class as well as the things I have been learning in SPE 400. However, the assignments that I enjoyed the most allowed me to be creative. The website example was very enjoyable. I also enjoyed creating the quiz and rubric. The assignment where we created the movie was also fun. I think the one thing that drove me crazy was not being able to decorate the slides to the powerpoint in the assistive technology assignment. The group activity was stressful, but it was also a great learning experience.

Over all, my experience in this class was great. Even if it were not required, I would recommend it to any future teacher. I had a few bumps along the way, but my summer semester in this class was a great ride!

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