IT 465 Blogfolio


Posted on: July 31, 2011

 I really enjoyed creating the website. I love designing. This assignment also gave me the opportunity to put myself in the role of teacher, which was exciting. I got to design a website, as well as think about the design of my future classroom. This website called for us to think about and present our future classroom. We were required to send out a welcome to the parents. We also created pages with different types of information on them. I created a list of “school supplies” that students would need in my class as well as a list of rules. I also had to think about how I wanted to present myself as a teacher to the parents. I submitted my philosophy on education and on classroom management along with my “biography.” The assignment also called for the teacher to make helpful websites available for the parents and the students. This activity played multiple roles. It called for us to put ourselves in the roles of teachers and to think about how we want our future classrooms to be run. However, it also called for us to become more familiar with using technology as a resource for our future classroom. I found this activity extra fun and super beneficial!

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